Friday, October 12, 2012

friday funny

It's Friday, week 7 is nearly over and we all need a good laugh. (Well, I always want a good laugh.) Thank goodness for youtube!

I don't make a habit out of watching others suffer or embarrass themselves, but I must admit I couldn't help but laugh while I watched this clip. (Mostly because of the 'pants guy'.)

Have a great weekend!

- Dani

PS. I've joined a facebook support group and am planning to attend a group SSS session for the first time this weekend. I'm a little nervous, so I'll let you all know how it goes.


  1. Lol.

    And yay for the support group and the workout. I have found my journey so much easier with the SWSYD crew. Could not do it without their encouragement. Hope you find the same! :)

    1. Thanks for giving me the inspiration! It was no way near as scary as I thought it might be
