Thursday, October 18, 2012

the plateau phase over! I lost 700 grams this week, and after a 5 week plateau, I almost can't believe it. I wish I'd taken a photo of my scales to prove to myself that it is real.

I have to admit that I weighed myself on Tuesday, not Wednesday - as I was much too focused on showering and jumping on my bike. But it still counts, yeah?

It makes me wonder why I did plateau for so long, because I did the maths (I have my spreadsheet remember) and it wasn't reconciling with the results. There is certainly a degree of human error involved in calculating calories etc, but I honestly should have lost more weight over the past 8 weeks.

Hopefully my body (and mind) has done whatever re-adjusting it needed to do and now the weight will continue to drop. (Fingers crossed!)

Regardless of my weight loss, I'm enjoying being more active everyday and the longer days are definitely spurring me on.

Here's hoping my measurements and fitness test results are on track this week too!

- Dani

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